Mini Bags Trend.
Small bags are here to stay! You can find them as a crossbody, a handbag or an evening bag… Mini Bags are not only in fashion shows… This trend is more than ever in the streets. They are getting smaller and smaller… the tiny bags! For a Leather Goods Manufacturer, these types of bags need a lot of care and special attention to the details.
Many high end and luxury brands are designing mini or doll-size bags, which have now become their bestsellers, such as the Mini Saddle of Dior. They are usually minimalist, more structured with eye-catching colours. A good example of this is the crossbody clucth by Carolina Herrera.
Another example is the teeniest handbag that Jacquemus showed in Paris Fall 2019 runway. As he said in his Instagram “The family of Chiquito is growing”.
As a Leather Goods Manufacturer orders of mini bags have been growing lately. Although mini bags need less leather or canvas, it takes almost the same, or sometimes more, time to make it then a “normal size” bag.
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