Labour Conditions as Leather Goods Manufacturer in Ubrique

In an previous post we talked about ‘Sustainability in Leather Goods Industry in Ubrique’. How Ubrique carry out different actions in this matter. One of the most important facts is the Labour Conditions that Leather Goods Manufacturer apply. Therefore, we are going to develop this controvesial topic in fashion nowadays.

Today, people are very aware of the fact that everyone must work in good Labour Conditions. When people buy something, especially in the fashion industry, they think how and in what conditions this piece was made. Has this item been made with appropriate labour conditions? Is this design authentic? Is it handcrafted?

Many people think that The Fashion Industry lack mechanism that shows transparency in this matter. This must be solved somehow. We must to work together to get a sustainable fashion. There is an organization that is worried about this concern: The Ethical Fashion Forum. This platform was born in 2006 to develop a collaborative movement which would transform social and environmental standards in the fashion industry. They try to “support and promote sustainable practices; facilitate collaboration; raise awareness; and provide the tools and resources needed to reduce poverty and reduce environmental damage”.

With regards the industry in Ubrique, the main figure of this industry is, without a doubt, the Leather Worker. Companys know the value of this figure. Therefore, they are fully aware of the compliance of all the labor rights; such as salary, working hours and extra hours as well as family conciliation.

All the above is highly appreciated by High End and Luxury Fashion Houses. What’s more, these Fashion Brands not only demand that work conditions are respected according to the legislation of each country, but also they monitor that these conditions can be improved every year. We believe that the respect and appreciation of the Leather Worker and their work conditions is a MUST in the Leather Goods Manufacturing Industry globally.

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